Engineered Road Safety: The Science of Reflectivity

In Ontario, road fatalities have seen a troubling rise over the past decade.  One critical factor in enhancing road safety is the use of reflective signage and pavement markings. Insufficient reflectivity and quality can lead to driver errors, extend reaction times, and increase the risk of potentially fatal collisions. To combat this, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest technologies that have demonstrated effectiveness across various jurisdictions. Remember, every road fatality is preventable, and each lost life is a tragedy affecting parents, children, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

3M has been at the forefront of innovation in retroreflective materials, dedicated to improving road safety and the future of mobility. By implementing the right signage and road marking specifications, we can significantly enhance safety for all road users. Effective visual guidance is crucial, ensuring drivers feel secure regardless of the time of day or weather conditions.

While signage and road markings may appear clear during dry, daylight hours, it is during the night that retroreflectivity becomes vital. As darkness falls, drivers depend on these reflective elements to navigate safely. By prioritizing high-quality reflectivity, we can help ensure that every journey is as safe as possible.


Tuesday November 19, 2024 – 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM


Web conferencing details will be provided to registered participants.

Guest Speaker:

Matthew Harding, Business Development – Ontario, 3M Canada 

MH.jpg Matthew Harding specializes in Transportation Safety at 3M Canada. His goal is to improve road safety for Ontarians and bring home families safely. He has over 13 years sales experience working with senior executives, government, engineers, traffic sign fabricators and road builders.  He currently serves on the Ontario Road Builder’s Association (ORBA) Health and Safety committee. Matthew lives in Toronto and enjoys exploring the GTA on his bike.

Presentation Moderator:

Mai Abdou, P.Eng.  Education Co-ordinator, PEO Oakville Chapter

MA.jpg Mai Abdou is the Supervisor of the Corporate Asset Management Office with the City of Mississauga where she manages the City’s corporate asset management program to ensure service delivery needs are budgeted for and achieved in a reliable, safe and sustainable manner. Mai is a licensed professional engineer and certified asset management professional.

Event Agenda:

7:00 – 7:10 PM – Registration

7:10 to 7:15 PM – Introduction by Mai Abdou, P. Eng. PEO Oakville Chapter

7:15 to 8:00 PM – Traffic Safety Presentation by Mr. Matthew Harding, Business Development Manager, 3M Canada   

8:00 to 8:15 PM – Q&A moderated by Mai Abdou, P. Eng. PEO Oakville Chapter

8:15 to 8:20 PM – Speakers Appreciation and Closing



Please note registration will close on Saturday November 16th, 2024.

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